
Prof. dr hab. Piotr Śliwiński
Collegium Maius
Fredry 10 room 343
61-701 Poznań
phone 61 829 46 71
Professor Piotr Śliwiński – Director of the Doctoral School of Languages and Literatures, literary historian and critic, head of the Department of Poetics and Literary Criticism at the Institute of Polish Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University, chairman of the Poznań Literary Award, curator of the Poznań Poet Festival. Author and co-author of 10 books on the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, initiator and editor of 20 books devoted to the most outstanding Polish poets and selected issues of literature. The last one he published was: Wolny wybór. Stulecie wierszy 1918-2018. (Selection of century of poems 1918-2018). He managed the research project Polish Contemporary Poetry. The Encyclopedic Guide. He was a scholarship holder of the International Writing Program (Iowa City, USA). He is a laureate of several awards and distinctions for writing and activities for the benefit of culture.